We Quote ANY Publication Size, Format, & Frequency

Submit your publication details for annual platform & full service production cost


InDesign Handoff for Ongoing Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly Publication
InDesign Print Layout Handoff
  • + Platform Fee + Per Issue Rate
  • + Quoted Per Edition
  • Video & Media Enhancements
  • Branded Domain
  • Fully Hosted
  • Ongoing Maintenance
  • Analytics


InDesign Handoff AND/OR Fully Digital Designed Publications by VERTIQUL
Custom Projects Go Full Digital with Accessibility Compliance
  • + Platform & Maintenance Fee Quoted
  • Custom digital publication design from existing print layout materials OR fully digital designed by VERTIQUL from publisher or brand provided content assets. Plus advertising revenue capabilities, audience growth promotion, configuration of strategic publications objectives.

More growth. More revenue. Significantly reduced or eliminated printing cost while delivering a modern publication audiences love on any device! Ditch the old flipping pages, PDFs, and complicated apps forever!



WCAG 2.0 / ADA Production and Digital Publications Accessibility Statement & Tools

Editorial Enhancements

Additional media including images and third party video and audio embeds, as well as animation to design elements.

Advertising Enhancements

Upgrade static advertisements into responsive designed advertisements as well as sponsored landing pages for advertiser audience.

Preview Editions

A limited version of your publication that includes content previews and advertising.

Marketing Assets

Full set of promotional materials for issue promotion to subscribers and for public social platforms

Additional Advertising Capabilities

Ask about our other advertising programs that provide immediate ROI to publishers outside of the typical periodical for sponsors, advertisers, products or other highlight items.

We charge an annual platform fee for the server instance custom domain setup and customization during the setup phase. Our annual fee covers the ongoing maintenance and support of the platform.  Each issue is quoted in the service agreement based on layout and design. We invoice the actual issue production fee at the start of design production. Issue production cost is based on the design layout and print layout page count our graphic designers transition each issue to the responsive premium digital format.

Yes, VERTIQUL handles all hosting, maintenance, and management of basic modifications requested and this fee is part of the annual renewal for the platform.

We step each client through each step and the specific DNS chances to configure the custom domain. We handle everything else based on the options presented and selected in the service start quote.

Nothing is automated. We handle every design asset transition to digital. We full host and maintain your custom domain. We handle every adjustment upon request anytime.

A foundation of google analytics with event tracking for all ad and other outbound links plus any other 3rd party tracking you wish to add.

Yes, all SEO value for the domain remains relevant to the domain and to the parent or main brand.

No apps to install, no downloads, and no support nightmares from audience members having app access & install problems.

Publishers are guided on how to add scripts and configuration for limiting access to content.

Limited or gated view pages always limited the conversion and marketability of flip editions including greatly reduced ad exposure. Preview editions solve this problem by allowing full ad exposure and content previews with strong conversion call to actions.

Service Tracker Task Opened

A week prior to expected InDesign file upload, the VERTIQUL team confirms production days and files. A more detailed Google sheet collaborative asset tracker is used for digital publications we create without an InDesign file handoff.

Enhancement Review

We begin dialog on any planned issues enhancements for media or advertising/sponsors. Ideas and options are exchanged.

Confirm Issue Go-Live Date & Marketing Assets

The VERTIQUL team confirm the social media and website marketing graphics to be created and included making it easy for publishers to promote their digital publications.

Files Upload & Check-In

A secure high-speed file upload allows for the standard InDesign handoff to occur and the VERTIQUL team checks in assets and confirms the design team has started working on the publication.

Status Update

Typically we share ongoing communication on digital publication service tickets but we also provide a progress update to confirm we're on track for handoff for publisher client review and approval.

Final adjustments and changes

We process any design changes including any editorial corrections and confirm the time for making the publication live.

We use the normal InDesign handoff for the master print layout files or we can convert from other design applications such as Quark. Publication custom design from other content asset options are also available.

Our service desk tickets track each publication production and allow for collaboration of all involved participants. We guide publishers for other enhancements.

The creative decisions about how content displays on the multiple viewport designs is driven by the original art direction and publication style.

Yes, each new custom domain and special publications can be configured to meet your branding needs.

Publishers may continue using their current email platform to send the issue notification email to subscribers. We can set up or migrate to other systems if requested.

Please use our get started page to tell us about the publication(s) to be upgraded as premium digital publications.  We will schedule a review call and provide you a budgeted pricing quote & agreement and confirm we have answered all the questions about our innovative media presentation solution.

This is a limited version of our full questions and answers details. Get the link to our full service details after requesting more information https://vertiqul.com/get-started/